January 28, 2022
My friend Dave showed up in January of 2022 with a "Daybetter"
smart light bulb. Inside was a Tuya bk7231n module.
We suceeded in blowing it up. Ground was not really ground,
but some "floating ground" as is typical of such things.
We could have powered the module from 3.3 volts, but I was
not thinking as well as I should have been
It turns out this is an ARM processor with Wifi and just enough IO to get things done.
I have been unable to find a way to just buy a handful of modules, and of course I have
plenty of ESP8266. In fact the Daybetter bulbs used to use the ESP8266, or some other
bulbs Dave had did.
A 6 pack of the bulbs on Amazon is $36
Have any comments? Questions?
Drop me a line!
Tom's Electronics pages / [email protected]