September 3, 2024

Notepad apps

I want something like a simple text file that I can keep things like my Gaia password in. So far I have tried 2 apps and they both have crazy ideas. One wants to manage phone calls and other apps. The other wants me to setup a login account.

Keep notes

This was on my phone and seems pretty simple. It works and I did use it to save the Gaia password. It is not text based, but lets me draw with my finger. But it is simple enough and so far is better than other things I have installed, tryed, and rejected.


I install and launch it and it wants me to Sign up and Log in. Excuse me? What is simple about this. Delete and move on.

Notepad - simple notes

Nothing simple about this -- it wants to interact with my phone and other apps. I try setting it up once and not enabliing any of that, but the next time I start it it wants me to go through the setup questions again. Sorry - delete and move on.

Post it by 3M company

Too fancy. I just want to start it up and start typing and/or see existing notes. It is non-intuitive and over featured. On to the next.

Jotta text editor

This is suggested as an android text editor, but I have not explored it.

File explorer

I had one of these once, long ago, It was nice at first, then the people overfeatured and ruined it. One of these might do to find, display, and edit files. But I tripped over the next item and it seems fine.


I download this. It asks what folder to work in. I tell it "Documents". It gives me a + button at the lower right. I can use that and create a file. I type into the file. This seems perfect so far.
Feedback? Questions? Drop me a line!

Atopo / [email protected]