August 8, 2020

Getting a fresh copy of the Armbian sources - second try

I am running Fedora 32. Docker will not work under Fedora 32. armbian-build won't work on a non-Debian system.

A friend suggested I try "podman-docker", so I do:

dnf erase docker
(gets rid of moby-engine)
dnf install podman-docker
docker run --rm -t hello-world
After this, I try the armbian-build script:
cd /u1
git clone --depth 1
mv build Armbian-build
cd Armbian-build
#./ docker orangepipc2
./ docker
I find it quite annoying that the armbian-build script demands that you be root to run it. Why? You do not need to be root to build a linux kernel. In fact there are explicit warnings that you should NOT be root when building the linux kernel and there used to be bad bugs if you did so.

My guess is that this only matters if you want to write an image to an SD card, and that should be a separate thing, that you could invoke as root -- after taking special care not to be overwriting your system disk.

Anyway, it made a brave start, then ended like so. A full transcript of the session is here:

STEP 9: RUN sed -i 's/\(^STATDOPTS=\).*/\1"--port 32765 --outgoing-port 32766"/' /etc/default/nfs-common     && sed -i 's/\(^RPCMOUNTDOPTS=\).*/\1"--port 32767"/' /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server
--> 817d1b3417d
STEP 10: ENV LANG='en_US.UTF-8' LANGUAGE='en_US:en' LC_ALL='en_US.UTF-8' TERM=screen
--> 7c1951d87d4
STEP 11: WORKDIR /root/armbian
--> 8f3396db95b
STEP 12: ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/bash", "/root/armbian/" ]
STEP 13: COMMIT armbian:20.08.0-trunk
--> d09d32a147d
Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg.
[ o.k. ] Running the container
Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg.
Error: invalid --security-opt 1: "apparmor:unconfined"

[ error ] Docker command failed, check syntax or version support. Error code:   [ 125 ]

Have any comments? Questions? Drop me a line!

Tom's electronics pages / [email protected]